Hello my name is Bucket, I am a Cooper Bear and I like to travel around the world visiting friends. So here it is the beginning of all my adventures, as you may already know they all really started when The Coopers took me to Phukett on their holiday. I was so excited to be going to Thailand I just could not wait to pack my bag.
First of all we headed to Singapore, it was a wonderful place and Brian showed me the wonderful harbor
We then had a long wait in Singapore airport, so we decided a big coffee was in order
it certainly helped me stay awake for a long time.
After a long time we finally made it to Phukett and we went for a walk, we had not gotten very far when I met the cutest little puppy.
That night we had dinner in the restaurant in the hotel, we asked for a little bit of bread and they bought us such a big plate I really struggled to eat it, but Brian was really helpful on that score.
The next day we went bowling, I tried really hard but the balls were a little to big for me and I fell in the holes.
So we went to get another coffee, I think maybe it was a bit too much coffee for such a little bear, because I got a little bit hyper and climbed the Christmas tree in the hotel foyer
The hotel also had a huge ginger bread house and I may of gotten a tiny bit excited about it and had a nibble on that but I don't think anyone saw that.
The next night we went to Bangla road it was a very exciting place with exotic animals I got to hug a lemur
On the same road I met a big lizard, he was not so cuddly though
I also met a very nice lady boy who really liked to take photos with me
We also went to a wonderful place called fantasea, it was so great I met the elephants
After a lot of fun, I needed to have a relaxing day by the pool.
After a really amazing holiday we headed home to Australia, I went back to work at Cottonwool Creations, we scrubbed and cleaned for three days I was so totally shattered I needed to have a sleep
After things returned to normal at the shop and I carried on working, we got a lovely visit from Tara and her wonderful greyhounds Tiger and China. They really are my favorite dogs.
They are just so sweet and gentle. Well then it was time to get ready for Australia Day, its a big celebration here in Australia. I had a lot of fun.
I was home in time to have a lovely Australia Day Pizza night at home with the Coopers and some lovely friends. I also got one of my favorite cakes from Panda cakes mmmmm Yum.
Well After Australia Day, I got a message to say that Kerry from Prima Sailing Adventures would like me to come for a holiday with her and her family and go for a ride on her wonderful boat.
Well I packed my bag again and said bye bye to the Coopers and went on my way.
When I arrived I was very tired and after a long day, Olivia and I fell fast asleep.
I helped with the grocery shopping for the boat trip, glad I remembered the Tim Tams.
So excited to be going on this boat I can't begin to tell you. The night before we went out for dinner and I tried some new dish
After a big meal, Cooper and I had a bit of a nap.
The next day we had a look at the national Park
Can you see me on the sign, I thought maybe people would miss that I was there.
Then I had a lot of fun climbing a tree and explaining about Drop Bears to everyone. They are a real thing you should Google it.
I think I was helpful most of the time, I did always check the water level before I let anyone swim.
Then it was time to go on our wonderful sailing adventure, I was so excited, I checked the equipment for Kerry and the crew.
Then we set sail, I was very well behaved most of the time, and did the dishes sometimes.
We visited places like
and had a great time with the lovely people at Magnums
One day the crew decided to let me be captain, and I drove the boat.
I did manage to get some snorkeling done too.
I had such a lovely time with the crew, Tam, Kerry and her wonderful family Olivia even did a wonderful drawing of me, I sent a postcard home to my family in Perth and then Tam and I went to the airport.
I got home safe and sound, my family was so happy to have me back. Particularly Westley
I think the cats were happy too, its hard to tell with cats. The paws brothers were still there to greet me
It was so nice to be home. I went back to work at the shop and worked hard there for a while.
I even went to the movies with Brian and Kay to see Les Miserables, it was a very long movie, but I had some popcorn, well actually Brian had popcorn, but he did share it with me.
Then a wonderful friend in America called Michelle Nunnery asked if I could go for a holiday with her. Michelle lives in Panama City Florida in USA.
I though wow that's a long long way to go. However I decided it would be awesome and Michelle promised to take me to Disney land.
Brian got me a passport.
I got myself some travel luggage too
I was a little bit concerned about the length of the journey, I was not sure how long it would take to get there. So I went to my friends the Woodlings from the Whispering Forrest and asked them how long they thought it would take.
They told me it was a really long way to go and a very big adventure. I started to get a bit concerned about the trip, so I decided to read a book that would help me gain a bit of extra courage.